21 April 2014

Comfort measures- different positions for therapeutic procedures

                              Comfort positions for patient
Positions are used to promote comfort of the client. The comfort position helps patients to relieve pressure sore, ulcers, discomforts etc.
The major therapeutic positions are
Prone position:

The patient lies flat on the abdomen with head turned to one side. The head rests on a pillow.
The main uses of this position are
Ø To assess the hip joint
Ø To give better comfort
Ø To assess the posterior thorax
Ø To provide comfort to the patient with injuries, burns and surgeries of the back
Ø To the patients after giving anesthesia to prevent aspiration of saliva, mucus and blood

The major contraindications are
Ø The client with respiratory or spinal surgery
Ø The client after abdominal surgery

The client lies flat on back with legs extended and knees slightly flexed. Keep pillows under the head, knees and calves to raise heels off the mattress. Aircushion under the buttocks to takeoff the pressure and thereby prevent pressure sore.
The main uses of this position are
Ø To check the vital signs
Ø To take head to foot physical examination
Ø For comfort of the patient
Ø After surgeries involving the anterior portion of the body
The major contraindications are
Ø client with aspiration or convulsion
Ø surgeries on the back

Patient lies in the bed with two or more pillows which may be arranged in armchair fashion to support the shoulders, elbows and arms.
Uses of this positions are
Ø Client in convulsion
Ø Client with minor respiratory diseases


With one pillow under the head, patient is placed to lie on the left side
The uses of this positions are:
 Ø For giving Enema
 Ø For inserting suppositories
Ø To take rectal examination
Ø To take rectal temperature

The client lies on the side with weight on his hips and shoulder. Keep pillows under leg arm head and back. The trunk should be at right angle to the bed.
The major uses of this position are:
Ø To  relieve pressure on bony prominences of the back and sacral region

Contra indications of this position are
Ø After hip surgery
Ø After orthopedic surgery


  Client‘s head is raised to 80° - 90°. Back rest and additional pillows are necessary to keep this position more comfortable. An aircushion under the buttocks prevents the pressure over sacral areas. The knees may be raised over a knee pillow or a bolster to prevent the client from slipping
The uses of this position are
Ø To improve cardiac output
Ø To relieve breathing difficulty
Ø To relieve tension
Ø To help in the drainage of the abdominal cavity
Ø To relax the large muscles of the back and thighs
Ø After brain surgery and spine surgery


The client is propped-up  in a sitting position by means of back rest and pillows. Place an overbed table in front with a pillow on it. The client has an aircushion to sit and a small pillow under the knees

Uses of this position are
Ø For cardiac asthma patient
Ø Cardiac disease  patient who cannot breath easily in lying down position

The client should stand keeping both hands in sides and close the legs together.
The main uses of this position are
Ø To assess posture, balance and gait
Ø Orthopedic examination
Ø Assessment of neurologic disorders

  The client sits on a chair or on the side of the bed or examine table. Keep both hand aside and chin up and spin straight. The angle between thigh and chest should be 90 degree angle.
Uses of this positions are
Ø  It allows visualization of the upper body
Ø Facilitates full lung expansion
Ø To assess vital signs
Ø It is used to assess the head, neck, anterior and posterior thorax, lungs,heart,breast and upper extremities.

     With leg separate, client lies on back. Knees flexed and soles of the feet flat on the bed or table. One pillow should keep under the head for comfort.
The main uses of this dorsal recumbent position are
Ø Assessment of head ,neck ,anterior thorax and lungs
Ø Vaginal and Vulval examination
Ø To exam rectum
Ø For urinary catheterization

Client lies on the left side with one pillow under the head,and the left cheek resting on it. Keep left arm behind the back and the right arm may be in a position  comfortable for the client. The right thigh is flexed against the abdomen
The main use of this position  is to examination of vagina and rectum


The client lies supine position with his or her hips flexed and calves and heels parallel to the floor. The buttocks should place at the edge of the exam table and heels in the stirrups. One pillow is placed under the head
This position is useful for
Ø Gynecological examination and treatment
Ø Genitourinary surgery
Ø Assessment of genitalia and rectum
Contraindication of this positions are
Ø Immobilizing arthiritis
Ø Joint deformity
 The client lies prone on the knees and chest. The head is turned to one side with the cheek on the pillow. The arms are above the head or they may be flexed at the elbows and rest  along  the sides of the head. So as to support the client. The weight of the client should  rest on the chest and knees. The thighs are at the right angles to the legs
The uses of this position are
Ø To examine the rectum and vagina
Ø For sigmoidoscopy
Ø Exercise for postpartum clients
Contraindiactions of this positions are
Ø Joint deformity
Ø Arthritis
The client lies supine with the head 30 to 40 degree lower than the feet or the foot of the bed may be elevated at 45 degree angle. The operation table can adjust to this position
The uses of this position are
Ø Examination of the pelvic organs
Ø Operations on the pelvic organs
Ø To treat shock
Ø For postural drainage
Ø Promote venous return
Ø To decrease blood pressure

These are the comfort measures which we are giving to the patients to get a better therapeutic effects
Hope this article is helpful for you. Please ask doubt and suggestion on the comment box below.


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