26 May 2013


                                   Body temperature (T), Pulse (P), Respiration ® and Blood Pressure (BP) are the basic signs of Life. Vital Signs are the assessment of physiological, Psychological health of a client. The Vital signs is also called as “Cardinal Signs”.  If we say simply, TPR BP is the vital signs. We can assess a client diagnosis with the help of TPR BP.
Let us see what T P R & BP are

·         Body Temperature:    Body Temperature is defined as the degree or heat maintained by    
the body or it is the balance between heat produced and the heat lost in the body.
              Instrument used to check body Temperature- Clinical thermometer
            Normal Body temperature - 37˚C    or 98.6˚F
            Temperature can check from Oral(Mouth),Axilla and Rectum.
·         Pulse:  It is defined as the alternate expansion and recoil of an artery as the wave of blood is    
            forced through it during the contraction of the left ventricle.
             Instrument used to check Pulse- Index and Middle fingers of Hand
             Normal Pulse – 70 to 80 beats /minute
·        Respiration :  It is a process of taking oxygen and Giving out carbon dioxide
                            Instrument used to check respiration- palms or by eyes
                             Normal Body temperature – 16-20 breaths /min
·        Blood pressure :   It is the force exerted by the blood against the  walls of the blood vessels as the blood flows through them. There are 2 types of blood pressure. Systolic and Diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the highest  degree of pressure  exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels during the ventricular systole  when the ventricle is forcing the blood  into the Aorta. Normal systolic pressure in adult is 120 mm of Hg.
Diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure that occurs when the heart is in its resting period just before the contraction of the left ventricle. Normal diastolic pressure is 80mm of Hg.
Instrument used to check blood pressure - Sphygmomanometer
       Normal Blood pressure – 120/80 mm of Hg

Let us see how to check Vital signs (TPR BP)
Instructions before doing Vital Signs procedure
1. Do hand washing neatly with soap.
2. Conform that the thermometers are properly disinfected
3. Give an explanation of procedure to the patients.
4. Tell the patients what to do and what do not
5. Instruct the client not to bite on the thermometer while doing Oral temperature procedure.
6. Never leave the patient alone with a thermometer in position.
7. Never hold the thermometer by touching the bulb.
8. Lubricate the bulb of the rectal thermometer before placing thermometer into the rectum.
9. Do not count the pulse if the patient is nervous or immediately after exercise.
10. Never make the  patient conscious that you are counting the respiration.
11. Never use thumb for counting the pulse because there is a pulse in the thumb.

Articles needed for taking TPR :

To keep articles
To check the temperature
Disinfectant bottle
To keep the thermometer
Jar with clean water
To rinse the thermometer
A  bowl  with cotton swab
To wipe the thermometer
Kidney tray or paper bag
To discard the waste swabs
Wrist watch with sec needle
To check the time of procedure

parts of thermometer

Procedure of taking temperature from mouth (oral temperature
  • Do a hand washing  first to prevent the cross infections

·         Take thermometer from disinfectant  bottle
·         Rinse it in water to clean the disinfectant lotion           
·         Take a cotton swab and wipe the thermometer from the bulb to stem of the thermometer.
·         Check the mercury level and shake it to minimum level.
·         Place the thermometer under the tongue of the patient and note the time. 2 minute is enough for checking oral temperature.

·         Check the pulse for first minute and respiration for 2nd minute. For checking pulse, place the client’s hand over his chest with the wrist extended and palm downwards. Place the finger tips over the pulse point. Count the pulse beat for one minute.

·         Keep your hand is on same position. So that you can check the respiration easily. Count the rise and fall of chest without the knowledge of the client. Count the respiration for 1 minute.
·         Remove the thermometer .wipe the thermometer with a cotton swab from stem to bulb.
·         Read the level of mercury. Note it in a paper.
·         Keep the thermometer in disinfectant bottle
·         Wash hands and keep the soiled articles in place to clean them.
Procedure for Axillary temperature
·         Keep the thermometer in dry axilla
·         The procedures are same. But the main difference is in oral temperature 2 minute is enough for checking the temperature. But in axillary 5 minutes is necessary.
Procedure for Rectal temperature
·         Keep the thermometer in rectum .
·         The procedures are same. But the main difference is in oral temperature 2 minute is enough for checking the temperature. But in rectal temperature 5 minutes is necessary. Use any lubricant for lubricating the thermometer for inserting the thermometer to rectum.



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