29 April 2014

Early signs of pregnancy

AM I PREGNANTI don’t know how to start this topic. Once I start sharing the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, I cannot stop this topic because there are a lot of signs and symptoms we call tell about pregnancy. So here I am writing some important signs of pregnancy. You can do this as a checklist to confirm that you are becomes a “MOM”.
Let us see below what are the common and important signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
1. Missing period- The absence of period is known as Amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is the first and main indicator of pregnancy. But it does not mean you are pregnancy. Sometimes amenorrhea happens due to some hormonal changes, stress, some other physical problems etc.
2. Nausea/Vomiting - Nausea and Vomiting after amenorrhea means you are conceived. Now you can start dreaming your baby. This nausea comes in morning during the first trimester (first 3 months). So we called it as “Morning Sickness”. Rarely some peoples may not suffer this morning sickness. But remember this nausea occurs due to the increase of HCG hormone level in the body. Drink a plenty of water and eat fruits contains citric acid (orange, Lemon) to reduce the risk of dehydration due to vomiting.
3. Tenderness in nipple and breast- Swollen breast and nipple tenderness is the next important symptoms of pregnancy. The breast will be very sensitive during the first trimester .The shape of the breast will change.
4. Darkening Areola- the color of the areola will get more dark or brown and the size become more wide
5. Vaginal discharge – there is a white or yellowish sticky discharge comes out from the vagina. Don’t worry about this. It’s very common in pregnancy. You should thoroughly wash your vagina always and make its clean to avoid infections. You should consult with a doctor is your discharge has foul smell.
6. Weight Gain- weight gain occurs due to the growth of embryo because you may feel more hungry when you are pregnant. Do some small exercises and do a morning walk to avoid the accumulation of cholesterol in blood. Eat green leafy vegetables and fruits. But you must avoid some food which will abort your pregnancy.
7. Do Home Pregnancy test- cheap and best way to confirm your pregnancy. Urine Pregnancy Test Strip (UPT strip) is easy to use and easily available in medical shops. It’s not costly (Rs-50-60) around 1$. You can use it in your home itself
8. More Hunger: Now you uterus has carrying your embryo and the embryo started growing. So your body needs more calories. The brain will send impulse of hunger. You will feel to eat some of your favorites. Mouthwatering feeling. But remember one thing; you should eat only healthy foods.
9. Smell sensitivity-this is also one of the common symptoms of the pregnancy. You will get more irritate to some smells like smell of fish, cooking oil, nail polish,petrol,smell of hot pan, etc. Ignore those situations to avoid nausea or vomiting.
10. Frequent Urination- in pregnancy you will get frequent micturition (Urination). It’s quite common and natural. Frequent urination causes a high reduction of your blood pressure. So drink lemon juice made by salt 2 times a day to keep your blood pressure stable.
11. Mild or severe headache- due to some of the hormonal changes inside the body, you will feel headache during the pregnancy. But you should not take any drugs for head ache if you are having above mention symptoms. Consult a doctor and take an advice from your doctor
12. Weakness- weakness is very common in pregnancy. But now you may think that I told that in pregnancy you will get hungrier, then how come you feel weakness… Big doubt!! But I will give you simple answer.. As I said you will get hungry, but didn’t say you will eat. so eat more to avoid weakness
13. Mood Changes Frequent urination- No need to worry if you are getting angry or depression. Feel free always. Mood changes are very common in pregnancy. No need of any “mediCAtions”, but “mediTAtions” helps to reduce your mood changes. Engage in your hobbies, listening music, reading books, gardening etc to keep your mind to cool to get a healthy baby
- How to prepare for a pregnancy
14. Feeling sick- most of the women feels sick due to lack of immune power. To overcome this, you should eat well and sleep well. Feeling sick is very bad in pregnancy. You must do a planning before pregnancy to avoid this problem. If you don’t know how to plan and prepare for pregnancy, read this
15. Spotting: Lot of peoples says spotting in pregnancy is bad symptoms. It’s a sign of abortion. But do not think and believe it. Spotting without cramping is a good sign of healthy pregnancy. Spotting is very common in pregnancy. When embryo attaches to the wall of uterus, uterus sheds some drops. Be alert the color of spotting. It should be dark brown

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