3 June 2013

Do you know "what is nursing?"

Definition of Nursing:
According to International Council of Nurse (ICN), Nursing is a unique function of the nurse that is to assist the individual (sick or well) in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death, that he/she would perform unaided if he/she had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.

·         N=Nobility, Knowledge
·         U= Usefulness, Understanding.
·         R= Righteousness, Responsibility
·         S= Simplicity, Sympathy
·         E= Efficiency, Equanimity

·         SAFETY:  It means prevention of mechanical, terminal, chemical and bacteriological injuries to the client and the workers and the protection from all nuisances.
·         THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS: it is to achieve the purpose for which a procedure is done.
·         COMFORT:  to provide comfort to give satisfaction to the client and the workers.
·         USE OF RESOURCES: It implies the right use and the economy of time, energy and material.
·         GOOD WORKMASHIP:  it is the art of doing.
·         INDIVIDUALITY: it is to consider the needs and problems of a particular client when a procedure is done.

·         Alertness and intelligent observation
·         Ability to inspire confidence.
·         Courtesy and dignity
·         Dependability and adjustability
·         Disciplines and obedience.
·         Generosity
·         Gentleness and quietness
·         Good physical and mental health
·         Honesty and loyalty
·         Intelligence and common sense
·         Love for the fellow men.
·         Patience and sense of humour
·         Resourcefulness, economy of time, material and energy.
·         Sympathy,empathy,tact and poise
·         Technical competence.

I solemnly pledge myself before God.
And in the presence of this assembly
To pass my life in purity.
And to practice my profession faithfully
I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
And will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
I will do all in my power to maintain
And elevate the standard of my profession
And will hold in confidence.
All personal matter committed to my keeping.
And all family affairs coming to my knowledge,
In the practice of my calling.
    With loyalty I will endeavor,
     To aid the physician in his work,
     And devote myself to the welfare of,
     Those committed to my care


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